
323 Video

duration: 11 Hour and 10 Minute

Millions Of iPhone Users Are Vulnerable To Hackers


Video prices: IQD 240/day

Hackers pose a threat to millions of iPhone users as a result of a flaw discovered in Apple’s mobile operating system. According to mobile security firm ZecOps, a bug in the Mail app made devices vulnerable to attacks. Hackers can exploit this bug by sending a seemingly blank mail to the iPhone or iPad’s Mail account. Opening this mail would cause the app to crash and force users to reboot. Hackers would then be able to access information stored on the device as it reboots. This form of attack is particularly dangerous as it does not require the user to download any external malicious software. It is believed that the bug can be exploited on even the most recent version of Apple’s iOS. ZecOps reports that high-profile individuals from around the world have already been targeted. Whilst many consider Apple products to be the safest mobile devices on the market, the tech giant was unaware of the bug. A fix will be included in upcoming software updates according to an Apple spokesperson.

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