
334 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 11 ساعة و 23 دقائق

Signal And Telegram Users Surge As WhatsApp Starts To Slump


سعر الفيديو: ٢٤٠ د.ع يوميا

Messaging apps Signal and Telegram got a boost as users started to look for more private alternatives to WhatsApp. Whatsapp’s recent change in privacy policy says it will start sharing more user data to its parent company Facebook. These changes won’t affect people living in the UK and Europe. However, everyone is being shown the notification. Since the announcement, privacy-focused messaging services Signal and Telegram have seen an increase in app downloads. Signal saw approximately 7.5 million installs globally through both app stores between January 6 and January 10. Telegram saw an increase from 6.5 million for the week beginning December 28 to 11 million over the following week. Meanwhile, WhatsApp's global downloads have fallen from 11.3 million to 9.2 million since the announcement.

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