
59 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 53 Minute

5 Ways Grocery Stores Trick You Into Spending More Money


Video prices: IQD 240/day

You might not be aware, but grocery stores use a few layout tricks to make you spend more money. 1. Big Shopping Carts Shopping carts and baskets keep getting bigger and bigger because there is evidence that the bigger the trolley, the more we spend. 2. Product Placement Retailers place the products they want us to buy most at eye level, which usually aren’t the cheapest options. 3. Conveyor Belts Conveyor belts are longer than they used to be because studies show that it makes us feel better about our shopping experience. 4. Milk At The Back Milk is considered a destination product, meaning people often go to the store specifically for it, so placing it at the back of the store means shoppers are kept there for longer. 5. Cereal Placement Many stores put sugary cereals with cartoon characters at children’s eye level to provoke requests for those cereals.

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