Health and Food

67 Video

duration: 2 Hour and 7 Minute

Prunes Shown To Keep Bone Disease Away - Vertical


Video prices: IQD 240/day

A daily serving of prunes has been shown to slow down bone loss and decrease the risk of bone fractures, according to a new study. Older adults and postmenopausal women often experience a loss in bone strength. This condition is called osteoporosis, which currently has no cure. The bones lose density and their structure changes, making them weaker and prone to injury. Researchers at Penn State conducted the first randomised controlled trial to “look at three-dimensional bone outcomes” and uncovered the benefits of prunes. The bioactive compounds in prunes, such as polyphenols, weaken the inflammatory pathways incurred through bone loss. Women who didn’t eat prunes saw a decrease in bone density and strength, whereas, those who ate 4 to 6 prunes daily maintained their bone density and strength.

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