Photoshop Tutorial

18 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 54 Minute

Norway To Force Influencers To Label Retouched Images


Video prices: IQD 240/day

Norway has announced new regulations that will force influencers and advertisers to label images that have been retouched. The new regulations are an amendment to the 2009 Marketing Act and passed with a 72-15 vote in the Norwegian Parliament. The law states that any sponsored or advertising post must declare any body retouching or manipulation in it. The law was brought in to help reduce the pressure on young people to reach impossibly high body standards. "Advertising and social media and the models that are shown are often digitally retouched. This exposes young people to an ideal of beauty that is impossible to achieve," Norway’s Ministry Of Children And Family Affairs. The law will apply to all major social media platforms, including Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok.

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