
21 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 41 Minute

Harry Potter Proof Copy Sells for £11K At Auction


Video prices: IQD 240/day

A proof copy of the first Harry Potter novel, which was bought for pennies in 1997, has fetched £11,000 ($13,900) at auction. The rare edition of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' was originally acquired for 40 pence ($0.50) as a "throw-in" with other books. It was found in a second-hand shop in London. The seller, unaware of its value, only realized its worth after learning about the high prices fetched by similar copies online. The book, featuring the author's name as "J A Rowling" instead of J.K. Rowling, marks the inception of the Harry Potter phenomenon in print. "This book so deserved to do well. This proof copy is where the Harry Potter phenomenon began. This is the very first appearance in print of the first Potter novel," said Jim Spencer, Head of Books at Hansons Auctioneers & Vaulters.

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