حملة الجوائز الخاصة

56 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 17 ساعة و 43 دقائق

Day 9 of The 30 Day Visionary Yoga Challenge: Discipline & Freedom


سعر الفيديو: ٢٤٠ د.ع يوميا

This inspirational session will challenge you to find your constant Center of Gravity as you move through deep hip openers, backbends and standing balance poses that open your heart while strengthening your core and balance skills.True Discipline leads to Freedom and Joy. This is a great training to help you to sustain your inner focus as you take dynamic action in the world. Want access to all 30 videos of the 30 Day Visionary Yoga Challenge? Go to: http://bit.ly/visionaryyoga30Got questions? Follow us & reach out to us @VisionaryYoga (www.Instragram.com/VisionaryYoga) on Instagram and www.Facebook.com/MarikoYoga.We're always happy to hear from you!Challenge Level: Beginner IntermediateFocus: Hip openers, Back Bends, BalanceConceived of and Performed by Mariko Hirakawa, B.A.M.S., E-RYT, founder of www.VisionaryYoga.com#visionaryyoga #30daychallenge #yogaofpersonal development #vinyasayogaflow #intermediateyoga #balanceposes #marikohirakawa #natarajasana #inspiration #mindfulyoga

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