The Arab and Muslim community residing in Belgium considers the month of Ramadan an opportunity to meet non-Muslims in order to talk about the positive images in the Islamic heritage. In this regard, Al-Jisr Foundation, in cooperation with the Wargam Municipality, organized a collective iftar yesterday to attract a large number of non-Muslims so that they “learn about the customs of breaking the fast during the month of Ramadan and the traditions and morals of Muslims in order to erase the stereotypes that have stuck to the Muslim community residing in Belgium in particular,” as the organizers say. Euronews was present during this occasion and conveyed the testimonies of some of the attendees, all of whom expressed their insistence on the necessity of conveying the correct concepts about the Arab and Muslim communities residing in the West in general and in Belgium in particular. The organizers told us, "The goal of the initiative is to stimulate the spirit of coexistence among the various components of society in Belgium by understanding the other and not rejecting him, as well as staying away from prejudices regarding the other's culture, customs, religion, and traditions." For more on Euronews: A group breakfast in a church in Brussels... attended by Jews and Christians Ramadan is the third occasion celebrated after “Christmas and Easter” in Britain Ramadan in Paris... delicious Moroccan sweets and joyful family gatherings