Players' World

79 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 47 Minute

Video: Egyptians seek to form the first Dwarf football team


Video prices: IQD 240/day

A number of dwarf football players are struggling to overcome the economic difficulties that stand in the way of realizing their dream of forming the first Egyptian national football team for dwarf players. Despite the lack of resources, 22 players from 16 Egyptian cities gather to train at least twice a month as part of their efforts to form a football association for dwarves. The “Good Stars for Dwarves” team was established at the initiative of “Nojoum,” a non-governmental organization that works to help Egypt’s dwarves, estimated to number approximately 75,000 dwarves. Mahmoud Shafiq, one of the players on the team, says: “We dream of traveling to play in Latin America, but it is difficult since no one cares about us.” The players say that the Egyptian Football Association has not yet provided anything to help form a national team for dwarf players. Ibrahim Murad, the team's coach, confirms that the team's training is not much different from the training of non-dwarf players. Read also: Watch: Copa America for short people in Argentina and Morocco is the guest of honor Harsh punishment for former Nigeria coach Siaya for match-fixing Paris Saint-Germain fans take revenge on Neymar in the club's first match Tokyo receives runners of the 1,000-kilometre race dedicated to the memory of the victims of the 2011 earthquake

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