Players' World

79 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 47 Minute

Watch: American football player Calvin Anderson solves the Rubik's Cube puzzle on---


Video prices: IQD 240/day

Rookie American football player Calvin Anderson showed off his skills at solving the Rubik's Cube puzzle without being seen arranging it behind his back. Anderson (23 years old)'s passion for the magic cube began when he was a school student. Over the years, he worked on learning different methods until he acquired high skill in solving it. “Everyone knew I could solve the puzzle, so it would have been boring if I solved it the usual way,” Anderson said of his mastery of the final challenge. He added: "I spent seven or eight months thinking and I said to myself, 'How can I solve the puzzle in a different way?' Anderson was able to solve the cube puzzle behind his back in a time of 32 seconds. The record time for solving the cube in the normal way is 3.47 seconds, and it is registered under the Chinese name Yusheng Du, while Anderson’s personal record time for solving it in the normal way is 13 seconds. Read also: Watch: Austrians revive a 5-century-old sport at an altitude of 2,000 metres A football player deletes his Twitter account after announcing that he is gay

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